LLM drag and drop website builder

[Prototype] LLM Drag & Drop Website Builder (Spring 2024)

I built this over 4 weeks in February/March of 2024. It uses shadcn and tailwind for styling.

It involves some (IMO) incredibly novel interfaces and concepts for generating frontend code. The primary UX is the drag and drop interface, but the magic is in two places:

1) There’s a “magic wiring” function where the LLM is able to perceive how the app is meant to work from how the components are laid out and generate the frontend state management code to “make it real”. This leaves UI editing to the user instead of having to do lots of prompting, but the complex state management that people tend to hate the most is outsourced to the LLM.

Some people (like me) may not be the best designers and just want to spin up something that looks nice fast. So there’s also a “magic paint” button that lets the AI take your existing frontend that you quickly threw together with drag and drop, and make it beautiful by adjusting layout, colors, font sizes, etc.

2) the user doesn’t have to use annoying side panel controls to change the appearance of components, instead they can jump right into the component code and write tailwind to quickly make the changes they want. This makes the app more conducive to technical users than something like Bubble.

LLM drag and drop website builder