
Earlyworm 2015

Earlyworm was my first App Store application. In 2015 I designed and developed the Earlyworm Chinese e-Reader application which went live on the App Store in June 2015. The app featured a flashcard system with a spaced repetition algorithm, in-app Chinese to English dictionary, RSS-style article feed based on recurrent web-scraping, a quiz to determine Chinese understanding based on a simple hill-climbing algorithm and a websockets, a Node.js backend with MongoDB, and a Swift 1.0 frontend.

Earlyworm Chinese e-Reader & Flashcard App

Before launching the app, I amassed an email list readership of 50 followers. Upon launching the app, I converted about 20 followers to users within one week, but due to my general inexperience and slow updating the app was unable to maintain many users and I removed it from the App Store in August 2015.